
The maximum amount of fat that can be safely removed with liposuction is up to 3 to 3.5 liters in one session, as per the latest research and top liposuction reference textbooks. An increase in the volume of fat removal crosses your safety boundaries and seriously increases the risks of complications. Never ever go for “Mega-liposuction” in which 6 to 8 litres (or even more!!!) of your body fat is removed as it can cost your life!

After liposuction, you must wear an elastic compression garment forucround 4 weeks. These garments are intended to provide continuous postoperative compression to areas treated by liposuction.

During the first 2 weeks after liposuction, the garment must be put on 24 hours a day, except when you take daily shower during which you can have your garment washed in your washing machine. During the 3rd & 4th weeks after your liposuction, you must put on your garment for only 12 hours a day.

We supply your garment included in your liposuction package, using the top quality liposuction garments in the world.

Recovery after liposuction varies in different individuals. Having said that, most clients can return to work 4 to 7 days after liposuction under local anaesthesia.You can then gradually resume your normal activities within 3 to 5 weeks.

After liposuction, avoid staying stationary, taking blood thinners, vigorous exercise, and spending a long time in the bath.Other important things to remember after liposuction is to stay hydrated and wear a compression garment as per Dr Kay’s instructions which are very important during the first week, especially for clients who have had liposuction on a larger area of their body, like the abdomen or thighs.

Toning exercises can be gradually increased, generally from between 2 to 3 weeks after liposuction. It is important for the body to heal first for the best surgical results. Once 4 to 6 weeks have passed, most liposuction patients feel comfortable enough to endure strenous exercises.

Liposuction removes extra fat tissues from your body, but it’s result are not necessarily immediately visible. Depending on how much fat is removed, you can expect to see final results about 3 months after the procedure. Every person is different and Dr Kay will explain skin tightening for you as part of your body contouring procedure, If warranted. A bit of patience is needed after your liposuction, as your body needs time to heal from the liposuction surgery.

The new liposuction technology under local anaesthesia is performed through very tiny holes on your skin, called “Adits” which are 3 to 5 millimeters. Adits scars generally go away after several months or so. Some scars can appear slightly raised on the surface of the skin, also referred to as hypertrophic scars or keloids, but they may decrease over time.

The fat does NOT return after liposuction if you adopt an active lifestyle. The ideal results will remain intact if the patient maintains a balanced diet and daily regular exercise. Here are 6 healthy lifestyle changes to adopt following your liposuction:

1- Follow all post-procedure instructions provided by Dr Kay.

2- Reduce caloric intake while eating a balanced diet focused on protein and healthy carbohydrates.

3- Stay properly hydrated by drinking lots of water.

4- Try eating several smaller meals throughout the day.

5- Never skip meals.

6- Exercise regularly.

<strong>Liposuction under local anaesthesia has a high safety profile for good candidates who:</strong>

-> don’t have a lot of excess skin
-> have good skin elasticity
-> have good muscle tone
-> have fat deposits that won’t go away with diet or exercise
-> are in good physical shape and overall health
-> aren’t overweight or obese
-> don’t smoke

<strong>You should avoid liposuction if you:</strong>

-> smoke
-> have chronic health problems
-> have a weak immune system
-> are overweight
-> have saggy skin
-> have a history of Diabetes, Cardiovascular diseases, Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), or Seizures.
-> take medications that can increase the risk of bleeding, such as blood thiners.

As with all operations, there are some risks involved in having liposuction. Although the risks are unlikely, it is important to weigh them up against the potential benefits of the surgery.

Scars – There will be small scars from liposuction, usually in places that are not visible. These will usually be red at first, then purple, and then fade to become paler over 12 to 18 months. Occasionally, scars may become wider, thicker, red or painful, and you may need to have treatments to correct them.

Infection – It is rare for the wounds to get infected, but if they do you may need antibiotics.

Swelling & bruising – After the operation, there will be some swelling and bruising of the areas where liposuction was performed. This can take a while to settle. The larger the area treated, the more swelling and bruising there will be, and it can take weeks to settle.

<strong>Asymmetry</strong> – This is where the areas treated by liposuction are not symmetrical, particularly if a lot of fat has been removed. But these irregularities are usually minor and if the contours of where you have had liposuction are irregular, you may need corrective liposuction, or fat grafting (where fat from another area is injected), to smooth out the irregularities.

<strong>Increased or decreased sensation</strong> – After liposuction, it is common to have areas that are numb or more sensitive than usual. This usually settles within a few weeks.

<strong>Damage to deeper structures</strong> – Although rare, the surgery can damage deeper structures, including nerves, blood vessels, muscles, the bowel (the part of the intestine below the stomach) and other organs. There is a higher risk of this, if you have prior surgeries and/or scars in the area being treated.

<strong>Unsatisfactory result</strong> – Sometimes, patients are not satisfied with the result of their liposuction if the new contours or the amount of fat removed does not meet their expectations. It is important for you to understand that liposuction is NOT a treatment for obesity. The amount of fat that can be removed from an area is limited by what is safe (no more than 3 litres). So it may not be possible to slim down an area as much as you might like.

<strong>Change over time</strong> – The appearance of the areas where you had liposuction will change as a result of ageing, pregnancy or other circumstances not related to your liposuction, such as putting on or losing weight. You may need further surgery or other treatments to maintain the results of the liposuction.

<strong>Allergic reaction</strong> – Rarely, allergic reactions to tape, stitches or solutions have been reported. If you have an allergic reaction, you may need extra treatments.

For the vast majority of patients, there isn’t a concrete limit on the number of areas that can be targeted during one liposuction treatment, as long as the amount of fat tissue removed is not greater than a particular quantity specified by one’s anatomical indicators.

Patients should not expect to lose a dramatic amount of weight with liposuction. However, because fat is removed from cosmetically important areas, liposuction can produce improvements in aesthetic appearance. If a person consumes more calories than they burn, they can put weight back on after liposuction; although the treated areas will not regain the same amount of fat as they would have without liposuction.