A thigh lift involves the excision of excess skin and fat in the upper thigh to improve the contour and shape of the inner thigh. Often it is possible to hide the scar in the groin region by performing a medial thigh lift, in some patients who have had significant weight loss a further incision vertically is necessary to remove excess skin.
What does a Thigh Lift involve?
This is a general anaesthetic procedure that involves a combination of liposuction and skin excision in the inner thigh region. You will feel swollen and bruised and you will be given appropriate painkillers. It is unusual to require drains but you will be given a compressive dressing. You may be able to go home later the same day but some patients opt for an overnight stay.
What is the Post-Operative recovery?
After 1 week a wound check is performed and it is recommended to wear a compression garment. You will be reviewed in the clinic one week post-op and the dressings are changed. Numbness and bruising are common for a few weeks after the operation.
When can you exercise?
You can return to light exercise at 2 weeks but should not do anything strenuous for 4 weeks. Lower leg exercises should be avoided for 6 weeks and then you should build back up gradually. You should arrange to take a couple of weeks off work. The bruising will take up to 3 weeks to settle.
What are the potential complications?
- Bleeding
- Infection
- Sensation loss in the inner thigh
- Wound breakdown
- Poor scarring – stretched scar
- Nerve injury – this can result in altered sensation due to sensory nerve damage
- Revision operation
- DVT or Pulmonary Embolism – blood clots in the leg
Procedure summary of Thigh Lift
- Anaesthetic: General Anaesthetic
- Operative time: 2 hours
- Hospital Stay: Daycase or single night stay
- Time off work: 2 weeks
- Recovery Time: 4-6 weeks