Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia is a condition where boys or men develop breast tissue due to fat build-up or growth of a gland in the breast, creating ‘man boobs.’ Common indicators include the visible swelling of the male breast tissue that may be accompanied by tenderness, hard lumps around the nipple, and enlarged nipples.

Gynecomastia may affect one or both breasts, with the size being equal or uneven, while severe effects may include pain, swelling, and even nipple discharge. In addition, the enlarged breast tissue and any associated effects can be a cause for mental distress for the patient, which could even affect their self-esteem. So, if you are in London and your head has been spinning with the question, ‘where can I get the breast reduction surgery near me?’ Feel free to come to our plastic surgery UK clinic, and our specialists will help you look and feel normal again.

What Causes Gynecomastia?

There are two types of gynecomastia, namely true gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia. The main difference between the two is that pseudogynecomastia is purely caused by excess fa,t, whereas true gynecomastia has several causes. But then again, in many cases, a patient may have a combination of both types.

Documented cases show that gynecomastia can be caused by gaining a considerable amount of weight, taking certain prescription drugs (like some antibiotics, anti-anxiety medications, anabolic steroids, chemotherapy, ARVs, antidepressants, and more), or hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalances may occur in puberty, although they usually tend to stop one to two years into puberty. The hormone responsible in this case is oestrogen, and in older men whose bodies have stalled on testosterone production, excess oestrogen can lead to a breast gland developing.

If medications are causing the condition, then stopping and changing to a different drug may resolve the issue with no surgery required. Switching to a healthy diet and keeping up an exercise routine to lose weight may also be a solution if the gynecomastia is caused by excessive weight gain. Hormone-based gynecomastia will likely go away in infancy or adolescence, and a doctor can prescribe an oestrogen-inhibiting drug where possible. On the other hand, extreme circumstances may call for some form of surgery which could be liposuction or male breast reduction surgery.

Male Breast Reduction UK Procedure

When a patient comes into our breast reduction UK clinic, our surgeon will sit with them to discuss their condition before the actual procedure. The initial assessment considers factors like medical and family history and the patient’s age and lifestyle. After agreeing with the patient that gynecomastia surgery is the best course of action, the date for the surgery is set. You can then come to have the procedure performed at our breast reduction surgery UK clinic.

On the day of the breast reduction surgery, the patient is sedated with general anaesthesia, and a cut is made around the nipple-areolar complex. Fat around the area is removed while the nipple is kept in contact with the blood vessels and the rest of the breast to avoid necrosis. Your nipple may need to be repositioned after the surgery. The surgeon may also opt to make incisions around the armpit and remove the fat tissue or gland from there. The whole surgery lasts between 1 and 2 hours, and no hospital stay is necessary.

Recovery From Gynaecomastia

After your male breast reduction surgery, you will be given a compression garment to be worn 24-7 for the first two weeks to avoid fluid build-up in the recently operated chest area. Day-to-day activities can resume at around six weeks, and any physically involving tasks should be avoided.

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