Ganglion Cyst Surgery

Ganglion cysts are soft tissue swellings that mostly occur at the back or front of the wrist, the tip of the fingers near the nail bed, or the base of the palm. The lump is filled with synovial fluid leaked from a joint capsule or a tendon sheath and is noncancerous. They may appear without any particular reason or could be caused by trauma around the joints. Ganglion cysts vary in size and could increase or decrease based on the patient’s activity level. Some people learn to live with this condition if it’s not painful, but in cases where it is uncomfortably visible or presents with some pain, something has to be done about it.

At the point of examination in our plastic surgery clinic, we’ll perform an ultrasound, and if there are no immediate concerns, the patient may be advised to wait for some time to see if the lump will go away on its own. In this case, the doctor may propose splinting the wrist to limit movement to allow for time for the cyst to shrink or disappear. However, it’s worth noting that the ultrasound may also uncover other underlying issues such as cartilage or ligament injuries which will need to be addressed.

Another recommendation our certified cosmetic surgery experts may offer could involve having the ganglion aspirated. In such a case, the clear fluid in the cyst is drawn out with a syringe and needle, and a steroid is injected into the sac to relieve the patient of any symptoms. However, if the ganglion persists or keeps reappearing and is causing some discomfort to the patient, surgical removal may be the best way to go since it addresses the source of the problem.

Why Go for A Ganglion Cyst Removal?

Patients who decide to have their ganglion cysts surgically excised have various reasons for doing so. At our plastic surgery clinic, UK, some of the most common reasons that our patients have for the surgery include:

  • Relieve pain caused by the cyst, especially if it is pressing against a nerve or causing some weakness when it occurs on a finger
  • Help the patient resume physical activities like yoga or some exercises, which may have been restricted by the lump
  • Minimize the chances of the ganglion reoccurring
  • For aesthetic purposes
  • Some patients express fears of the risk of cancer from the ganglion, although this is rarely a possibility

What Happens During and After Surgery?

At our plastic surgery London clinic, the procedure is usually performed on an outpatient basis as it takes just under one hour. First, general anaesthesia will be administered, after which the surgeon will make an incision at the top of the ganglion and carefully dissect around it, making sure to steer clear of major blood vessels (like the radial artery) and nerves.

The type of incision will depend on the type and location of the cyst. After cutting around it and getting to the stalk of the cyst, the surgeon suctions out the gel-like fluid and removes the cyst. When removing the cyst, the surgeon works with absolute care to ensure that the root is taken out so that the cyst doesn’t come back. In addition, any bone spurs will be removed during the procedure.

When the procedure is completed successfully, the wound is dressed, and you will be advised to avoid physical activities for between 2 to 6 weeks to facilitate healing.

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